Saturday, March 17, 2012

March 17th, 2012

     Well, I certainly am sporadic at writing in my bloggies, huh? I have noticed a lot lately that a lot of things on blogs that I check out as I am searching for ideas for a project I am doing, etc., have ideas and crafts/creations on them that I already have or have done.  These people get PAID to do the things that I already do.  SO----I decided that I am just going to take a little time every few days or so and blog about the things I do.  Capiche?  :)  I have been sick for about 5 days, so a lot of those hours have been spent in bed, or vegging in front of the TV...........which I hate....  I despise time-wasting, and I have become a professional time-waster this week.  Today I woke up feeling a lot better, and so I am determined to get some things done.  Maybe I will blog about them.  Maybe I won't.  I need to rearrange and pay attention to some plants, and I need some food in this house, which may include the use of some couponing.  Is that blog-worthy? 
     There is a huge storm coming our way here in Cedar.  The winds are outrageous right now.   Just bad enough to have your car door fling uncontrollably into another car if you aren't careful.  Just bad enough to pi** (I try to stay PG, guys) you off when you try to do any yardwork at all and the wind whips sand and dust and your hair into your eyes.

      So.........what to do today?  Now, I have a huge list of to-do's, don't get me wrong.  But what can I do today that will really put a dent in what needs to get done?  Ebay? Cooking?  Couponing?  We will will follow.  :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011 (From previous blog)


Today is Sunday.  This week has been absolutely crazy.  Yesterday was even crazier, to top it off.  I popped out of bed at 4:45, (my body is used to getting up for bootcamp, I guess) and got dressed to go downstairs and walk on the treadmill.  I did some stretches, looked through a plant catalog, and then Aidan begged me to lay with him.  So I did, and loved it.  Then I took a shower and went to Bountiful Baskets at 8:00 with Alexis.  After that, we spotted an estate sale, and we had to stop.  ( I love stuff like that......and I think it has rubbed off on my kids!) I found some really good deals.  By the time I got home, even though it was only around 10:00, I was really tired.  Plus....I believe I am getting sick...again.  Sinus stuff + cough/sore throat.  Tis the season I guess.  So...I laid down.  I bolted awake at 12:00, and realized that Alexis' soccer game started at 12:00.  I frantically threw clothes on, and went.  She scored a goal today, and her team won by a landslide.  Go Lex!!!  Then, I decided to stop by a daycare mom's house and hold her new 2 week old baby girl.  Taylie.  SO CUTE.  I got home about 2:15, and it was time to take off to Vegas to look for a Junior prom dress for Amanda.  She was asked a little late, and there is NOTHING in Cedar.  Especially nothing unique.  We found a dress at Jessica McClintock, and she is beautiful in it.  It is silver.  The bodice is sequined, and the skirt is flowy....but tacked in areas.  The sales lady/manager put a GOLD satin sash around her waist and at first, Amanda and I were thinking, "Silver and Gold?  Weird"  but then....we looked and looked at it, and it is gorgeous.  And I am pretty dang sure that she is about the ONLY girl who can pull off those colors due to her unusual, stunning color of hair.  She is so pretty.  :)  We are topping off her look with silver and gold dangly earrings.  We still need to find shoes.  She has been talking about getting a pair of CONVERSE to wear under it...............REALLY.  Because that's just how she is.  Crazy girl.
    So.........then we went to the outlet mall in Vegas, and Steve went one way with the boys, and Amanda and I went a different way.  I got some stuff at the Nike outlet store that was marked way down, and Amanda found some really good deals on sweats.  Then we went to Subway, and I had the lowest fat sandwich there.  Italian bread, veggies, fat free dressing.  I think I am going veg again.  I feel SO much better.  I don't really know why I "fell off of the wagon" for a few months..........but I am thinking straight again. 
     We got home at about 1:30 a.m.  I got up this morning around 6:30.....and I am just so tired.  This house is a DISASTER area.  No one cleaned yesterday at all.  There is no food in the house.  We are out of TP.  Amanda is going to a different ward with a friend, and Steve and Andrew had to go BACK to Vegas because Andrew's expensive car already has an issue.  Alexis and Erin wanted to go because they didn't go yesterday. is Aidan, me, and the animals that are home.  Ya think I am going to church?  NO.  Then I will just come home tired, and the house will be WORSE.  Plus I feel sick.  I do not have time to get sick.....I have to keep up with my bootcamp, and get up tomorrow at 4:15 again.  There is JUST. NO. WAY.......nope. 
     I want to take a nap now.  I need to get my coupons ready to go shopping tomorrow, and I need to clean. of these days.....I need to get it together and do Ebay!!!  Why can't life just be easy?  Oh....and Andrew's science project.  We need to work on that today when he gets is due Friday.  Okay.....I am overwhelmed again.  I better go write it all down. 
     One of these days in the future, I will be alone, and my house will be quiet.  I will not have to worry about money or getting bills paid on time.  I will have endless hours to read and garden.  I will probably MISS my crazy, busy life that I have right of these days.


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